Why HNL Physiotherapy?

Simplify health
I love simple solutions.
That’s why my goal in practice is to make health easy agai so that the daily activities no longer have to wait for you…
Thereby, both therapy and organization should be kept simple but effective.
Why HNL is different
I belive in not only restoring an injury by improving function, so that we may prevent reocurrance but moving beyond the injury and increasing also performance.
My goal is to help you to help yourself. In addition to manual treatment I believe that client education and empowerment are vital for a full recovery. One will be surprised how little time is spent on the treatment table, because an important step to recovery is your own activity.

simply efficient
We work out your target-oriented strategy for your health together
simply engaged
Fast appointment allocation, appointment reminder, training plan - so that you are simply satisfied.
simply savvy
Treatments are state-of-the-art in physiotherapy and training science.

Matthias Hähnel
alternative Practicioner
Matthias Hähnel: Physiotherapist. Heilpraktiker. Athlete.
Movement is life – and has always been part of my life. My early involvement in a wide variety of sports ignited my passion to become a physiotherapist. I have gained a wealth of experience through my engangement in swimming, athletics, triathlon (short-track to Ironman), football and rugby, both as an athlete and practicioner. In addition to my work at the clinic, I am one of the senior physiotherapists of the medical care team for the Bundesliga and youth players at SC 1880 Frankfurt Rugby.
I completed my Education at the Orthopedic University Hospital Friedrichsheim in Frankfurt. Since 2011 I have been working as a physiotherapist.
The Heilpraktikererlaubnis (non-medical practitioner permit) in Germany was granted to me on 31.01.2018 by the district committee of the Main-Kinzig-Kreis – Gesundheitsamt. This allows me to examine and treat you directly without a doctor’s prescription.
Through constant education and learning (both manual & theoretical) I strive to achive the best possible individual result.
Mulligan Concept
Explain Pain Supercharged
(Prof. Moseley)Myofascial Release
Fascial Distortion Model by Typaldos
Medical Flossing
Kinesiotaping (K-Active, Rocktape)
Traditional Chinese Medicine for Physiotherapists